Saturday, March 12, 2016

A Call to Rhetorical Action

Technology today might help us build a new, inclusive social norm by providing new ways of communication. Technology allows us to communicate in ways that we never thought was possible. In the book Rhetoric for Radicals, Jason Del Gandio states that, “Every human being is born into a world of interaction and we must all learn how to interact or die. Interaction is foundational to our existence,” (18). There are so many forms of interaction today such as communicating in person or communicating online.

The five contemporary challenges activists face are “…creating decentered movements, developing new forms of leadership, learning to communicate across contexts, building transnational alliances and dealing with the media juggernaut,” (29). Technology can help us overcome the five contemporary challenges by allowing us to share out any new solutions or doing some research on the challenges. By finding information about the challenges, it will allow activists to learn how to overcome the difficulties they face.

The media ignores or falsifies our movements and actions by “…[forcing] us to work against the media juggernaut,” (33). The media is everywhere at any time. Media has changed the way we communicate. “…Activists and organizers have utilized different forms of mass communication long before the Internet age,” (34). As time goes on, activists and organizers would have to learn how to communicate with newer forms of media.

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