Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Film Report- 2001: A Space Odyssey

After watching 2001: A Space Odyssey, I found that it was boring and complicated. I was really confused about what was happening. It was a weird movie. I was really confused when it started out with apes in the beginning and ended up being in space. When it started showing the part of the movie in space, some of the machinery that was used portrayed examples of artificial intelligence. It was interesting seeing that machine in the movie that would actually talk. When it had a computer malfunction, it was really interesting because it showed that it was capable of error. Other than that, the movie was really dull.   


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 2001: A Space Odyssey is definitely one of those movies that when you watch it once or twice it still doesn't make sense haha. But, luckily last semester i had a music in film course where we had to analyze both the film and the music in those films, and we spoke about this movie specifically. Which in my opinion wasn't that bad at all because i actually enjoyed it. Although i am with you on the fact that it is confusing. But, besides that from my understanding and if i remember correctly. The monolith (black block) that appears in the beginning of the movie is a representation of discovery, and in a way mind opening just because after the chimpanzee touches it, it somehow knows how to use the bone it finds as a weapon. And I feel like you can relate that monolith to this artificial intelligence idea simply because it resembles technology in the way that it provides us with some knowledge. But yeah you should totally try giving this movie another chance! its not that bad and maybe you might like it a second time around lol!

  3. I see your perspectives, I personally enjoyed watching 2001: A Space Odyssey as well. Despite the confusion between apes and outer space, this film highlighted a major turning point that we might experience if we continue to advance and depend on technology for accuracy and social advancements. Although the 9000 Computer system has proven to be incapable of error, it still had the capability of emotion which caused it to disobey orders that were very vital to the expedition of the astronauts. Due to feeling betrayed by its maker (humans), this artificial machine (Hal) decided it was best to terminate their lives before his own became jeopardized. Personally, the fact that technology will eventually have the similar emotions of humans scares me, because just like Hal, they are capable of obeying commands but also disobeying them as well.

  4. Hey Samantha,
    I have to say I like your honesty, but I also like to disagree with you. The movie was pretty interesting. It starts off with Apes to show you how humans first started, with nothing. As time passes, humans adapt to technology better and they are able to be sent out to space. The point of the movie is to show technology is advancing and how it might put human lives at risk.

  5. Hey Samantha, I also agree that the movie was quiet dull and very different to movies in the recent day, but thinking about technology and comparing todays technology to the films made it quite more interesting. Its incredible to see how far our technology has advanced and the difference between computers back then to today and all form of technology used in the film. I still do not understand how a computer began to think on its own and actually attempt to terminate the humans. That is what makes technology and the film so interesting. How does a programmed computer build a mind of its own?
